About the Libraries
With a million print and electronic books, and access to hundreds of thousands of journals and other related materials, the library offers the depth and breadth of resources essential to the teaching and research needs of a university grounded in the liberal arts.
The Rare Books and Special Collections Library within LLT collects, preserves, and disseminates primary sources about the culture and society of Egypt and the Middle East in physical and digital formats.
Beyond its collections, LLT provides educational programs in Information Literacy, and offers learning technologies and services including support for students with special needs.
LLT upholds US standards of librarianship. It is a partner in OCLC’s SHARES network and a founding member of the AMICAL Consortium. The library maintains memberships and representation in several professional organizations, including IFLA, ALA, EDUCAUSE, SAA, MEMP, ACRL, and MELA.
By maintaining an extensive and ambitious array of resources, services, programs and relationships, AUC Libraries make an impact in Egypt, the region, and beyond. This has been recognized by the UNESCO/Jikji Award for documentary heritage efforts.
As a state-of-the-art academic library aligned with current US and international professional standards, LLT offers:
- Over one million hardcopy and electronic books
- Over 100,000 journals and many other related materials
- Scholarly resources and tools from academic publishers, producers, and the like
- Access to content from many internationally acclaimed databases via EKB
- Federated searching through Library OneSearch
- A digital research repository: AUC FOUNT creates access to AUC theses, dissertations, student and faculty works, and other intellectual contributions from AUC
- Primary source material: The Rare Books and Special Collections Library (RBSCL) houses important books, archives, photographs, and many other materials that are available for research, student learning, and for the community at large
- Access to digital primary sources
- Research opportunities: LLT hosts many scholars and researchers from Egypt and beyond, and it also serves as host to authors, curators, and others who use its assets for publications, exhibits, and other activities locally and across the world and access and memberships
- Access to global research collections through OCLC’s SHARES program, and document delivery
- Media streaming services
- Research and instruction services
- Specialized group and individuals study spaces including spaces equipped with assistive technologies